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Products indicated for people who face swallowing difficulties, also known as dysphagia. Dysphagia requires the search for alternatives that make it easier to swallow food.

What are the main nutritional challenges for patients with dysphagia?

The main nutritional challenges for patients with dysphagia include difficulties swallowing food and liquids due to swallowing problems, which can result in a risk of aspiration, malnutriton and dehydration¹-³.

What are the main textures adapted for patients with dysphagia?

The main textures adapted for patients with dysphagia include nectar, honey and pudding for liquids. These textures are adapted to facilitate swallowing and reduce the risk of aspiration².

What are the benefits of thickened foods and liquids for patients with dysphagia?

Thickened foods and liquids are beneficial for patients with dysphagia, as they help reduce the risk of aspiration, facilitate swallowing and ensure safe and adequate feeding².

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